The Comedy About A Bank Robbery

Tickets for The Comedy About A Bank Robbery



Described as the funniest show in the West End, The Comedy About a Bank Robbery will certainly make you laugh out loud with its slapstick comedy, tomfoolery and madness. Book your Comedy About a Bank Robbery tickets now for a fabulous fun-filled night of surprises and spectacular jokes in this classic comedy caper!

During the summer of 1958, a Hungarian Prince leaves a priceless jewel in the hands of Minneapolis City Bank. As the name suggests, the absurd plot follows an attempted money heist by an unlikely group of robbers: escaped convict Mitch along with his side-kick, girlfriend and the maintenance man. While all of the crooks seem extremely incompetent, who will get past the snoozing security guard and grab the diamond?

Directed by Mark Bell and written by John Sayer, Henry Lewis and Henry Shields, who also created the hilarious shows Peter Pan Goes Wrong and The Play That Goes Wrong, The Comedy About a Bank Robbery follows suit in capturing their farcical, fast and wacky humour which will make you cry with laughter!

Tickets: £12

Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes (including interval)

Recommended age: 5+

Venue: Criterion Theatre

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How long is a Comedy About a Bank Robbery?

A Comedy About A Bank Robbery is 2 hours 40 minutes long.

What is a Comedy About A Bank Robbery about?

A Comedy About A Bank Robbery follows the story of a group of robbers who attempt a money heist. An unlikely bunch who seem completely incompetent, a Comedy About a Bank Robbery is a hilarious, slapstick comedy.  

Who is in the Comedy About a Bank Robbery cast?

The 2020 Comedy About a Bank Robbery cast is made up of Sean Carey as Sam Monaghan, David Coomber as Neil Cooper, Julia Frith as Caprice Freeboys and George Hannigan as Everyone Else.The is completed by Liam Jeavons as Mitch Ruscitti, Damian Lynch as Robin Freeboys, Killian Macardle as Officer Randal Chuck, Jon Trenchard as Warren Slax, and Ashley Tucker as Ruth Monaghan. Julie Cullen, Charlotte Duffy, Tom Hopcroft, Ross Virgo and Eddy Westbury are understudies.

Where is a Comedy About a Bank Robbery showing in London?

A Comedy About a Bank Robbery is showing at the Criterion Theatre in London. 

Is a Comedy About a Bank Robbery going on tour?

No, a Comedy About a Bank Robbery is not going on tour and visiting the UK cities of Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bristol and Leeds. 

Who produced a Comedy About a Bank Robbery?

The Mischief Theatre produced a Comedy About a Bank Robbery.  

Who wrote a Comedy About a Bank Robbery?

John Sayer, Henry Lewis and Henry Shields wrote a Comedy About a Bank Robbery.

Who directed a Comedy About a Bank Robbery?

Mark Bell directed a Comedy About a Bank Robbery. 

What is the recommended age for a Comedy About a Bank Robbery?

The recommended age is 5+.

When did a Comedy About a Bank Robbery first premiere?

A Comedy About A Bank Robbery first premiered at the Criterion Theatre on the 21st April 2016.  

Photos of The Comedy About A Bank Robbery

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The Comedy About A Bank Robbery
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